Netflix and the Australian Children’s Television Foundation celebrate Australia

Netflix and the Australian Children’s Television Foundation are looking for two original, high quality Australian children’s series that celebrate Australia in some way.

We are looking for one project in each of the following age groups and genres:

Use your imagination as to what form ‘celebrating Australia’ takes – it could be our landscape, animals, culture, sports, sense of humour or something else.

The initiative is looking for new concepts that are at early stage development. 

Projects that have previously been submitted and rejected by Netflix or ACTF should not be submitted to this initiative.

Projects may be an original idea or based on an existing work such as a book.

If the project is based on an underlying work all rights must have been secured prior to submitting your concept.

The successful projects will be funded to develop a full series bible, storylines and pilot script.

Full details on what the initiative is looking for and submission materials can be found here.

The portal for submissions will open on 30th April 2022 and close at COB on 31st May 2022.

Netflix and ACTF may choose more than one project from each stream to put into development if there is more than one outstanding concept.

The intention of the initiative is to have one project from each stream proceed to further development if required or be considered for a commission and financing by Netflix and ACTF.  

A formal development agreement would be entered into with Australian Children’s Television Foundation which would include the option for Netflix to further develop and commission the project.          

Projects must be Australian IP and owned and submitted by an Australian producer or production company or creator.   If the series goes into production ideally it would be fully produced in Australia or if animation it may be a co-production if budget dictates.

ACTF and Netflix reserve the right to team less experienced practitioners with experienced personnel or production company.  Creator led projects are welcome to be submitted, if selected ACTF and Netflix would require an experienced production company attached should they proceed beyond this first stage of development and we would work with the creator to attach a suitable production company.  

A common theme across both streams is that we are looking for ideas that celebrate Australia in any shape or form. It’s open to your imagination what form this takes and could include Australian landscapes, animals, sports or culture.

Be imaginative, be ambitious, be bold, be original!


To submit your project to the Netflix and ACTF Celebrate Australia Initiative, please carefully read and follow the instructions below.

Read the submission material guidelines for the relevant stream:

Download and fill out a Project Summary Form for your project:

Send your submission materials, including a completed Project Summary Form to:

Submit your project between 30th April 2022 and close at COB on 31st May 2022

All project submissions will receive an acknowledgement email once materials have been received by ACTF.

You will be notified of the outcome of your submission after the assessment period.

Please note that feedback will not be provided on unsuccessful projects.

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