Horace in Slow Motion - Series 2 - Digital Download

Horace in Slow Motion - Series 2 - Digital Download

Horace is a loveable, chubby pig, who enthusiastically performs outlandish and hilariously gross bodily acts - in slow motion! Whether it's being fired from a canon, riding a bucking bull or farting himself to the moon!

Outrageously absurd and mesmerisingly gross, in Series 2, Horace explores his love of dance, stunts and an overwhelming desire to try weird and wonderful things. Horace will give ANYTHING a go!

Horace is not a victim… he’s a performer. So sit back and enjoy, as we watch (in slow motion) our humongous hero work that magnificent frame, for our merriment!

Curriculum links include:

  • English (prediction, events, characterisation, personal response to texts)
  • Media Arts (animation)
Running time: 20 x 45 secs
Product Type: TV Series 720p Files
Price: $11.50
Select licence:
Educational use means using the program in schools, other educational institutions, community groups, churches, libraries, government departments, correctional facilities and military institutions.
Home use means that the program can be enjoyed on your personal device but it cannot be sold, hired, traded, given away, shown in public or made available on the internet.

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